9 Feb 2013

Oil Haul

Hemp oil
Hemp seed oil is rich in vitamin E, minerals, omega oils and essential fatty acids. Hemp oil is a perfectly balanced combination of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
I bought this oil because it's a ceramide oil and I wanted to see how ceramides would help my hair. I think that I will mostly use this as a pre-poo, especially considering it has quite a strong scent that I don't really want lingering in my hair.

Sweet almond oil
Sweet almond oil contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E.
I know that a lot of people use this oil on their hair and I've wanted to try it for a while, I also like that it's a pretty cheap oil. I'll probably use this for sealing and add it into my weekly DC's. (I actually only ordered 100ml of this but they accidentally sent me 500ml instead, free oil yay!)

Jojoba oil
Rich in vitamin E, proteins and minerals and is deeply nourishing. It helps to moisturise and strengthen hair.
I've wanted to try this oil for a long time and only just got around to buying it. The price did put me off a little bit, but hopefully it will be worth it. I'll probably be adding this to my DC's and maybe sealing with it after moisturising every now and then.

I also bought some extra virgin olive oil because I had ran out.


  1. What site did you purchase your oil from?

    1. http://www.enaissance.co.uk/index.html :)

  2. Good luck on your hair journey I just started on myself I have been thinking about trying sweet almond oil, have you noticed a difference with it yet?


    1. Thank you! I haven't actually used it yet but I'll let you know what I think about it when I do.


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